Previous bulletins

Bulletin - Jan 03, 2012

Parking.Download PDF copy
Parking at KF-II can be a problem. To help ensure that there are parking spaces available at all times for KF-II residents and their guests, the board has an active enforcement program.

The KF-II by-laws provide that each owner is entitled to two permanent parking stickers and one guest pass. The sticker must be affixed to the outside of the car (a corner of the front windshield or the front bumper), and the guest pass must be hung from the rear-view mirror or placed on the front dashboard with the number of the pass visible from the outside.

If you are having a function and expect to need more than one guest pass, the board encourages you to borrow the guest passes that you need from neighbors. If that does not work, the board has given the General Manager discretion to issue temporary permits that will be valid for a limited period of time not to exceed five hours. In deciding whether to issue a temporary permit, a number of factors will be taken into account, such as the number of persons seeking temporary permits for a specific time period and whether other permits have been sought in the same courtyard for a specific time period. No more than four temporary permits will be issued to any owner for a particular occasion.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the General Manager.