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Bulletin - Mar 30, 2012

Weed Control

The Board, like every resident, wants attractive grounds, which keep KF-II a nicer place to live and help maintain property values. At the same time, the Board, like every resident, wants to minimize risks to health and safety. For that reason, the Board has taken a restrictive approach to the application of fertilizers and weed control substances.

Unfortunately, KF-II’s grounds have deteriorated significantly. The last application of a weed control substance took place some 18 months ago. Our turf is weed infested and unattractive.

The Board has decided to treat for weeds again. The landscaper will use the same weed control substance that was applied 18 months ago. The substance will be applied at the lowest rate recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture. We have been assured that the substance will be effective in controlling weeds.

In addition to the weed control substance, the landscaper will be applying an organic fertilizer.

The landscaper will apply the weed control to Phase 1 (the west side of Hillandale) on Monday, April 23, weather permitting. If Phase 1 is done April 23, Phases 2 and 3 will be done on Wednesday, April 25 weather permitting. If Phase 1 is not done on April 23, Phases 2. and 3 will be done two business days after Phase 1. All residents will receive a notice as the application dates near.Commercial landscaping chemicals are regulated and tested by both federal and state agencies. Our landscaper is licensed and bonded and complies with manufacturer’s directions, observing all recommendations and guidelines for application and posting signs. All products used by the landscaper are approved by the United States Department of Agriculture. Information about the substance that will be applied can be obtained from the General Manager.