Bulletin - Feb 2, 2012
Parking Policies and Procedures
All KF-II parking spaces are reserved at all times, seven days a week, day and night. Any vehicle parked in a KF-II parking space must (1) display a valid KF-II parking permit, either a permanent sticker or a guest pass, and (2) be in operating condition. Any vehicle without a valid KF-II parking permit or not in operating condition can be ticketed and towed.
The KF-II By-Laws entitle each owner to two permanent parking stickers and one guest pass. A sticker must be attached to the outside of the car (on the front bumper or a corner of the front windshield). The guest pass must be hung from the rear-view mirror or placed on the dashboard, but in either case the pass number must be visible from outside of the vehicle. A vehicle with a sticker not attached to the outside of the vehicle (placed on the dashboard, for example), or with a guest pass whose number is not visible from outside the vehicle, can be ticketed and towed.
If you are having a function and expect to need more than one guest pass, the board encourages you to borrow the guest passes that you need from neighbors. If that does not work, the board has given the General Manager discretion to issue temporary permits that will be valid for a limited period of time not to exceed five hours. In deciding whether to issue temporary permits, a number of factors will be taken into account, such as the number of persons seeking temporary permits for a given time period and whether other permits have been requested in the same courtyard for a given time period. No more than four temporary permits will be issued to any resident for a given time period.
Beginning March 1, parking enforcement will be conducted by Big Tow. A vehicle that has been ticketed can be towed if it is parked again on KF-II premises in violation of the By-Laws.
Article IX, § 3(g), of the
KF-II By-Laws addresses parking. If you have any questions about parking,
contact the General Manager.